About the department


BIU Libraries serve as depositories for all of the M.A. and Ph.D. theses and dissertations that are submitted in Bar-Ilan University. According to the regulations of the School of Graduate Studies, graduate students are obligated to submit printed and digital copies of their works for preservation in the library. The copies should be deposited in the ​​​​​​Thesis and Dissertation Depository Department.

What does our department do?

  1. We check that your printed and bound copy is compliant with the deposit instructions published annually by the School of Graduate Studies. Please read these instructions.
  2. We check that the digital copy of your work, in PDF format, is intact, undamaged and is compliant with the deposit instructions published annually by the School of Graduate Studies. Please read these instructions.
  3. We check if there are any financial debts or borrowed books that were not returned to the BIU libraries and other university libraries.
  4. You will sign a form called "טופס הסכמה למתן נגישות לעבודות תואר שני/שלישי" – a consent form for providing accessibility to your work. The accessibility is compliant with the copyright law.
  5. For M.A. students we will sign a form called "אישור מסירת עבודת גמר" – a certificate that confirms the deposition of your work.
  6. For Ph.D. students we will sign a form called "בקשה לאישור על סיום לימודים וזכאות לתואר שלישי" - a request for certification of graduation and eligibility for Ph.D.

These certificates confirm among other things, that there are no debts to the library.


 Our staff:

Tamar Vakil – Head of Department

Zehava Arbel

Olga Gilshtein



Sunday – Thursday, 09:00 – 15:00


Central library – building 401, room B002

You need to make an appointment to deposit your work.

 For more information and to make an appointment please go to our website.

Contact us:

Tel.: 03-5317803

Email: thesesbiu@gmail.com