Locating Questionnaires and Research Tools in the Social Sciences and Education
How to locate questionnaires and research tools in psychology and the social sciences
In the Bar Ilan University Libraries and Information Division website you can find Excel files, catalogs, and online databases that can be used to locate questionnaires and research tools used in theses, dissertations, and research articles in Israel and abroad. The files and online databases are updated regularly.
List of Questionnaires and Tests in the Psychology Library (In Hebrew) This list includes questionnaires and research tools used in the M.A. theses written in the Bar Ilan Psychology department. As of 2017, if the questionnaires appear in the appendices of dissertations, they will also be included in the list. |
The Databases of the Henrietta Szold Institute-a Research Tool (In Hebrew) This database provides bibliographic information in the research tools section on questionnaires and tests written either originally in Hebrew or translated from English, published in studies by Israeli researchers in Israel and abroad, in the fields of education, psychology, and social sciences. Each record contains a detailed description of the research tool, including the name of the tool in Hebrew and English, the name of the author of the Hebrew version, the names of the authors of the original tool, an abbreviation of the name of the original tool, bibliographic details about the original tool, the reliability and validity values of the tool, a summary describing the goals of the tool and its variables, the target population that the tool tests, the structure of the questions in the tool and more. In addition, in each record you will find the titles of the MA and or the PhD theses that were used in the questionnaire or the test described in it. ** To search in the Research Tools section, go to the Bar Ilan Libraries and Information Division website, in the menu at the top of the screen click on electronic resources, and then click on databases. On the databases screen, tap on the letter "מ", to get to the list of online databases that start with this letter, and select the databases of the Henrietta Sold Institute
Please note that questionnaires used in M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations within the Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University are updated in the Szold Institute's research tools database only up to 2018. Information on questionnaires used in these theses from 2018 onwards can be found in the Excel file of questionnaires and research tools that the Department of Psychology is developing. |
Tests & Measures (PsycTests) This database is part of the APA-PsycNET online database, which lists more than 55,000 original questionnaires, tests and diagnostic tools in psychology, psychiatry, and a variety of fields in the social sciences published by a host of researchers around the world. In the records you will find information about the target audience of the subjects, the age of the subjects, the process of performing the test, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire or the research tool, the language in which the questionnaire or the research tool was written, information about the research fields or occupation of the authors of the questionnaire / research tool, and more. In addition, in each record there is a link to the bibliographic source where the questionnaire or the research tool was used originally.In some of the records you will find the Test link that provides the full text research tool. ** To search the Tests & Measures (PsycTests) database, go to the Bar Ilan Libraries and Information Division website, in the menu at the top of the screen, choose electronic resources, and then choose databases. In the databases screen, click on the letter A, and select APA-PsycNET. In the menu at the top of the opening screen of the database, click on the arrow to the right of the word BROWSE, and choose Tests & Measures (PsycTests). |
Keren Shalem Research Tool Database The research tools presented on this page are from Keren Shalem's research database, which works to develop comprehensive services and resources for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the country. |
The Brookdale Institute Research Tools Database (In Hebrew) The database provides questionnaires and research tools that help conduct interviews, conduct observations, and plan surveys. These questionnaires and research tools have been used by the institute since 2010. In the database, you can search for both a complete questionnaire or a specific chapter from a questionnaire. On each tool you will find bibliographic and methodological information, as well as the possibility to upload, browse, save and use the research tool itself. The use of the database is free of charge, but prior registration is required. Please note that information about the validity and reliability of validated questionnaires or research tools is included in their respective catalog entries. For further clarification on validity, reliability, or any other questionnaire-related matter, please contact the Institute directly. |