Bibliography Management Software

Bibliography management software allows researchers and students to:

  • Collect bibliographic references from databases.
  • Create bibliographic references as you write, using a wide variety of citation methods.
  • Create bibliographies.
  • Save references, organize them into folders, and add comments and notes.
  • Share mentions and files with students, study groups, or colleagues from around the world.

There are several tools in the field, all with advantages and disadvantages. The programs presented below are free, and it is important to note that they were not developed to work with Hebrew sources.


  1. Please note that software is never perfect, and it is important to know the citation rules used in order to avoid mistakes.
  2. Each tool has its pros and cons.
  3. In any case, the use of these tools does not exempt you from the obligation to familiarize yourself with the citation rules and to validate the suggested citation format.

 zotero's logo Zotero

- A tool for managing, organizing and quoting mentions and sources.
- Works on local desktop and offline.
- Enables creation of a network account to save the information, which automatically synchronizes with the   local software.
- Saves articles as PDF, enables you to annotate and share with others.
- Enables snapshot of the web page from which the information was taken.
- Saving the information on the server allows quick and convenient access to all research material from       any computer.
- Enables insertion of quotes and references while writing.
- Generates bibliographies automatically.


- Software for managing, organizing, and quoting mentions and sources.
- Works on two platforms simultaneously – a desktop version and a browser-based online version, which automatically synchronize with each other.
- Requires registration with user name and password.
- Saves articles as PDF files, writes comments and markups on the articles themselves and can be shared with others.  
- Saves all the information on the server and allows quick and convenient access to all research material from any computer.
- Allows inserting quotes and references in the process of writing the paper.
- Generates bibliographies automatically.

endnot's logo  EndNote Web

EndNote software has two versions – a full paid version and a smaller free web version @.

-The software works online web-based only.
-Provides quick and convenient access to all research material from any computer.
-Searches directly from the software in some of the databases (mainly in the field of exact sciences, such   asWeb Of Science, PubMedand more).
-Saves articles as PDF, annotate and share with others.
-Inserts quotes and references while writing and create a corresponding bibliography.

Any student or faculty member interested in training on the software can contact Yodfat Ta'asa - Reference Department

Comparison Table

  Mendeley Zotero EndNote
Access The software works in parallel on two platforms - a local installation on your PC and an account on the Mendeley server. This allows you to work anywhere. and the information is synchronized. The software is for installation on your computer. There is an option to open an account on the Zotero server for backup and to work from public computers. An account is opened on the EndNote server and is online only.
Storage space Up to 2GB on Mendeley's servers Up to 300MB on Zotero's servers Up to 2GB on the company's servers
Ability to work offline No Yes No
Imported references
An assigned button in some databases.
Browser plugin.
Bibliographic files (such as RIS).
Drags and drops PDF files.
Imports PDF files from an assigned folder automatically.
Adds a manual reference.
Browser plugin (generates a snapshot of the site).
Bibliographic files (such as RIS).
Drags and drops PDF files.
Adds a manual reference
Searches for articles directly from the software in databases supported by Bar-Ilan University (such as WebOfScience, PubMed, and more).
Browser plugin.
Bibliographic files (such as RIS).
Adds a manual reference.
Includes the EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) plugin - a comprehensive tool for citing references, editing citations, and managing long documents and a large collection of references.
Adds comments /  clarifications
Yes, including within PDF files
Yes, without the option to add in PDF files
Organization in folders Yes Yes Yes
Search option Yes, including searches within PDF files Yes, including searches in the comments tab No
Citation styles Includes a significant number of different styles and allows switching between them Includes a significant number of different styles and allows switching between them Includes a significant number of different styles and allows switching between them
Edits citation styles Yes, with the help of the CSL editor Yes, with the help of the CSL editor No
Supports Group work Yes Yes Yes
Works with a word processor MS Word, Open Office, LaTex MS Word, Google Docs, Open Office, LibreOffice MS Word, Open Office
Support Online training materials, blog and company technical support Online training materials and forums with user participation Online training materials, blog and company technical support
Advantages Works well with PDF files, no additional PDF software is needed Collects information from websites and knows how to adapt to uncommon types of information such as YouTube videos and more. Creates a snapshot of the site from the moment the reference is imported Searches in databases from the database, mainly in the exact sciences

Tools to Create Citations and Bibliography

The following are tools that allow you to create a citation for a single item:
Citation Machine - Creating citations in Hebrew and English according to APA 7 rules only.
Scribbr -allows the creation of citations according to APA and MLA rules. Partial support for Hebrew.

