Reference Desk

For additional information concerning reference help in other campus libraries, 

please contact the appropriate library

 The Reference Desk is located in the Judaica Library, building 401, on the ground floor.

The Reference Desk staff provides reference services  to the university's faculty and students at the Help Desk in the following hours:

Sunday – Thursday 9:00 – 19:00


For presentations that were prepared by the Reference Desk staff, please see the Guides for Basic Use of Library Resources – Tutorials. (In Hebrew)


Additional Library Services:

1. Group  instruction for information retrieval from electronic resources is designated for graduate students. Students Interested should contact the reference desk. Please indicate the subject of interest.

2. Instruction for students is available upon request of lecturers. Interested lecturers need to fill out and submit an application form  (in Hebrew).

3. Individual reference consultations for graduate students are available by appointment for 30 minute sessions. To optimize the Reference consultation, please fill out this form and bring it with you to the consultation.

4. Reference services are also available by email and phone:

Email:  Please fill out this form or send Email to:

Phone: 03-5317955, 03-5317125

Sunday - Thursday from 9:00 – 19:00. 

The Wurzweiler Central Library, Judaica Building 401


The Department Staff:

Metal Najati - Simchi – Head of Department -

Lea Namdar -

Chana Schary -

Gonen Newman -

Tamar Kravetz -

Yodfat Taase -