Opening an ORCID Account

Opening an ORCID account when submitting a thesis:

Upon completing a degree, every graduate student is required to open an account in the ORCID project and create an ORCID number - "Academic ID Number." 

Details on the ORCID project

The process is very simple:

  1. Enter the ORCID website.

  2. Open an account by clicking the 'Register' button.

  3. When the 'sign in' screen appears, click on 'Do not have an ORCID ID yet?' icon and then click on  'Register now'.

  4. After filling in your personal details, scroll down the registration screen and select 'Visibility Settings', for the green route – 'Everyone'.

  5. Please note! There is no need to open an institutional ORCID.


      6. At the end of the process you will receive your ORCID number.


What is the ORCID project?

ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID


ORCID is a non-profit enterprise that provides a free identification mark, a kind of 'identity card', for every researcher. ORCID's unique identifier prevents mistakes in identifying researchers with common names, such as' Cohen 'or Smith, helps identify researchers whose names appear in their publications in all sorts of versions, and ensures the researchers’ identification in publications that are published in several academic institutions.


  The ORCID project

Why is it important to create an ORCID identification mark?

  • The identification mark in ORCID has become an international standard in the academic world for the reliable identification of researchers. It also appears in the authority files in catalogs, such as LC and NNL, and in online databases such as Scopus, Web of Science and PubMED.
  • Many publishers of peer reviewed journals require researchers to attach the ORCID identification mark when submitting the publication.
  • Important and prestigious research funds condition the processing of an application for a grant or scholarship on the having the ORCID identification mark.
  • By using the identification mark in ORCID and updating the personal profile in the project, exposes the researchers’ publications, thus increasing the chances and opportunities for collaborations with research colleagues in Israel and abroad.

For more information, watch the video on the ORCID project.