Locating Journals Included in the Budget Model of the Planning and Budgeting Committee
The following are links to online repositories where you can find the lists of peer reviewed journals that the Planning and Budgeting Committee considers to be included in the new budgeting model. (In Hebrew)
See also the Planning and Budgeting Committee's clarifications on the publications included in the budgeting model - updated to 2019-2020 (In Hebrew)
Please note that the calculation of the number of scientific articles published by faculty members at the university is made according to the lists of recognized journals in the budget model of the Planning and Budgeting Committee. Moreover, the universities’ budgets are affected by the researchers' choice to publish in these journals.
It should be noted that Planning and Budgeting Committee considers the Articles and Letters published in recognized journals for the budgeting model, as opposed to related publications printed in these journals, such as Proceeding Papers, Book Reviews, Reviews, etc
- Links to Repositories in Web of Science Core Collection
These following indices can be found the database:
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)- Natural sciences, medicine, and technology
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) are new peer reviewed journals on the Web of Science list, in all areas, but are not categorized by discipline (coverage from 2015 onwards)
To check if a journal appears in one of the above databases and is recognized by the budget model of the Planning and Budgeting Committee, you can download the list of journals at this link (registration for the site is free).
HeinOnline - law database (Excel journals' list)
Education Source - education database (Excel journals' list)
- ERIC - education database
Please note the following:
- The leading journals recognized by the budget model of Planning and Budgeting Committee in the fields of natural sciences, technology, and medicine, as well as in the fields of social sciences, are also recognized by the international ranking ARWU (Shanghai ranking)
- The list of peer-reviewed journals in Hebrew by the Planning and Budgeting Committee updated to April 2024.
The list includes Hebrew journals in the Jewish Studies, Humanities, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, and the Exact Sciences.
- The list of peer-reviewed journals in Arabic by the Planning and Budgeting Committee updated to April 2024.
The list includes Arabic journals and bi lingual journals in Education, Middle East Studies, Language and Literature.
The list of Hebrew and Arabic journals is updated twice a year, in January and June, by the Index to Hebrew Periodicals (IHP), in collaboration with the Henrietta Szold Institute.
The following databases were used as a source for locating journals included in the budget model of the August 2019
Sociological Abstracts (Sociology), Econlit (Economics), ABI / INFORM (Administration), IPSA (Political Science), as well as publications from the Szold Institute database in social sciences and education.
Since August 2019 the above databases are no longer used.
And Finally:
All journals considered for the budget model are peer-reviewed. However, if you have information on peer-reviewed journals in your research areas that do not appear in the lists of recognized journals for the JDC budgeting model, please contact Dr. Israel Belfer israel.belfer@biu.ac.il or Dr. Chaya Binosovitz chaya.beinosovitz@biu.ac.il for instructions on how to submit a request to include these journals in the budgeting model.