Locating daily newspapers from Israel and around the world

This guide reviews the main sources for locating daily newspapers in Israel and around the world. The guide is arranged by the language of the articles - as detailed below. However, there are collections that include articles from the daily press in multiple languages. These cases will be noted in the preliminary description of the collections. 

For guidance and advice on catalogs and databases in the field of daily newspapers and journalism, please contact the information specialists from the Libraries and Information Division staff by email

Hebrew Press

  • The National Library Press Collection
    This collection consists of four sub-collections:

    1.- Historical Jewish Press (In Partnership with Tel Aviv University)
    Full text articles from Jewish newspapers in various languages, published around the world from the 18th century onwards. It includes the following sections:
      - Jewish press in the USA
      - Jewish press in Arab lands
      - Yiddish press
      - Ladino press
      - 19th Century Hebrew press
      - Yishuv and State of Israel press
      - Russian Jewish press
      - Polish Jewish press
      - Children and Youth newspapers – includes Children's newspapers: Hebrew childrens’ newspapers in various languages, from the period before the establishment of the state and its first years, from the Land of Israel and abroad.
      - Latin America Press
      - Jewish press of Kovana
  • 2. Arabic Press
    Periodical publications in the Arabic language that appeared in the Land of Israel/Palestine (hereinafter: "the Land") from the beginning of the twentieth century. The collection includes daily newspapers and social, educational and cultural periodicals that were published more or less regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.).

  • 3. Jrayed-Arabic Newspaper Archive of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine
    The Jrayed collection - a digital archive of newspapers and periodicals in the Arabic language published from the end of the period of the Ottoman Land of Israel and throughout the years of the British Mandate.

    4. Daily Newspapers
    All the daily newspapers published in Israel.
    A comprehensive and advanced search can be performed on the entire digital press collection, including the option of viewing all newspapers published by a certain date, as well as searching and filtering options according to parameters such as language, frequency of appearance, geographic location and more. The newspapers are accessible from the National Library building only, in accordance with the copyright rules.
  • Yediot Aharonot Archive
    Full text of articles published in the newspaper starting in 1939, up to articles published up to one-week ago. Also includes the full text of all articles published in Calcalist, starting in 2007.
  • Globes
    An Israeli daily newspaper and economic news site. Includes an archive of articles starting in 2016. Operates in collaboration with the Wall Street Journal and publishes exclusive Hebrew translations of its articles and reviews.
  • TheMarker
    Economic and financial news and information, stock market updates and updates from the Israeli and global capital market. Access to articles since 2001.
  • Haaretz - a Digital Daily Newspaper
    News reports from Israel and the world in various fields. Access to articles since 2001.
    Articles from 1960-2000 are located in the microfilm collection of Bar Ilan University, as well as through the collection of historical Jewish press of the National Library (4.04.1918 - 31.12.1999).
  • Index to Hebrew Periodicals IHP
    An index to articles in the fields of humanities, society, medicine and more, from journals and daily newspapers. To locate articles from a daily press, first conduct a search and then filter the search results to articles from the daily press. The selected press clippings are officially indexed from 1985 to 1997. In practice are also available from the sixties and earlier. Most of the articles were published in Hebrew, in addition to articles in English, Arabic and other languages.
    NOTE: There is no access to the full text of articles in the daily press. Therefore, the search results for the articles must then be searched in the catalog of the Bar-Ilan Information Library Division.
  • Computerized Index of the Daily Press (Beit Ariela)Indexed articles from the Israeli daily press from 1993. Updated daily. The index is comprised of the following newspapers: Yediot Aharonot, Ha'aretz, Ma'ariv, Yatid Neaman and Makor Rishon. (There is also an index to older newspapers: HaTzofe, Ha’ir, Al Hameshmar, Devar and Hadoshot).
    NOTE: There is no access to the full text of articles in the daily press. Therefore, the search results for the newspaper inventory must then be searched in the catalog of the Bar-Ilan Information Library Division.
  • Moshe Dayan Center
    Daily newspapers from modern and contemporary Arabic-language newspapers.
    Index of different types of publications in different languages in the field of the Middle East and Africa. The search is conducted in the Tel Aviv University catalog. After receiving the results, filter to the following: Where in the Libraries > Moshe Dayan Center; then filter it to Type of Resource > Articles.
    - There is no distinction made between research articles and articles from the daily press.
    - There is no access to the full text of articles in the daily press. Therefore, the search results for the articles must then be searched in the catalog of the Bar-Ilan Information Library Division.
  • List of articles in Jewish sciences - Rambi
    A selective index of articles in Jewish, Land of Israel, and State of Israel studies, written in Hebrew and in various languages, by Jewish and non-Jewish authors from around the world. Officially, from 1966 onwards, but  but articles from earlier years may be available. The details of the articles were collected from thousands of periodicals - in print or electronic form, from files, memoirs and printouts sent to Rambi by the researchers. The index is updated daily.

    Microfilm Bar-Ilan, Jewish Studies Library, Reading Hall Collection Hundreds of daily newspapers from the country, including ultra-orthodox weeklies, in Hebrew and foreign languages from the beginning of their appearance until approximately 2011. Also includes some press from abroad, in Hebrew, Ladino and English. The inventory note in the catalog refers to the microfilm/microfiche collection. Locate the microfilm by the lists of periodicals posted on the microfilm/microfiche cabinets.
    Browse the microfilm/microfiche on the reader available in the reading room. Since the reader is not connected to the Internet, selected articles cannot be sent by email, and can only be copied to a disk-on-key (bring in advance).
    The reader is available only during the opening hours of the Judaica Reading Room
  • National Library Microfilms
    The microfilms consist of Israeli and Jewish newspapers from Israel and around the world – and a minority of selected non-Jewish newspapers – in Hebrew, Yiddish and foreign languages, dating back from thir first issues until the first decade of the 2000s. Browsing is done via the viewing devices in the Judaica general reading room. Although most of the microfilm reels of the daily press are located in the reading room, some are in storage and must be ordered first for viewing in the hall. Some of the articles dated after the first decade of the 2000s are accessible through the National Library catalog, which provides digital links to the daily press. Search by the name of the newspaper
  • The Media Room of Beit Ariela, Tel-Aviv
    For information about the press room: opening hours and contact info
    Come with a mobile phone or camera to copy material. A scanner is available.
    To find out procedures and retrieval options, it is recommended to call the Media Room at 03-724-0558.
    In addition, the Media Room has a card index of subjects and people from the years 1980-1993 - complementing the people index of the Haifa Index (HIP) from the 1970s. There may be overlap.
    The following collections are concentrated in this section:
    Daily press in print: from the onset of the first newspapers.
    Warehouse: from the onset of the first newspapers until the mid-nineties
    Press room: from the mid-nineties onwards
    Microfilm collection: until the end of 2015:
    Yatid Neaman: December 1996 onwards, Hamodia, Ma'ariv, Haztofe, Al Hamishmar, Yedioth Ahronoth: January 1979 onwards (the full collection of Yedioth is accessible through the Yediot database installed locally in the Media Room), Davar: June 1925 onwards, Davar HaShavou: 1956-1967, Palestine Post: 1930-1949 – continued as: Jerusalem Post: 1950-1965, 1979-2010, Hadashot: January 1986-November 1993.
  • Online Press:
    Yedioth Ahronoth archive: scanned newspapers from 1939 to today. By appointment. Use is limited during peak hours.
    Digital edition of Haaretz newspaper (not the same as the printed one).
  • The Jewish Archives: 180 years of Jewish journalism
    Installed locally in the Jusica Reading Room, as well as in the National Library. Contains Jewish and ultra-Orthodox press from Eastern Europe, the Land of Israel, Great Britain, and the USA, in Hebrew, Yiddish and English.
    Most of the newspapers in the archives are in full coverage, from onset of their appearance, the earliest is from 1841.
    Currently there is no restriction on downloading and printing, but in addition to the bibliographic details, credit must be given to the database itself, when downloading an article or parts of an article such as an image, etc.
    In the next version, it is planned to expand the scope of the newspapers as well as to complete the missing issues in the current version.


Arabic Press

The Microfilm Collection:
Provides more than one thousand reels of microfilmed newspapers, the first of which appeared in 1887.
Hard Copies:
Contains more than 10,000 individual titles of newspapers, magazines, and periodicals in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, English, and French, as well as other regional languages, such as Tamazight (Berber). 
Digital Materials:
Provides over 30 terabytes (30,000 gigabytes) of digital newspapers that have been downloaded on a daily basis over the past two decades. In addition, the Moshe Dayan Center continually digitizes hard-copy holdings so as to preserve them for future generations.  Currently, over one million pages of newspapers from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, among other countries, have been scanned and stored.
  • Givat Haviva Index of Arabic Articles:
    This selective index, edited by Western Galilee College Library Director, Ms. Samira Mahameed, is composed of Arabic articles published mostly in Israel, and some in Arab countries. It provides mainly articles from major Arabic periodicals, with a few from the daily press. Topics include literature, politics and society, Arab society in Israel and the Arab-Jewish conflict. Most of the articles date from the establishment of the State of Israel and the 1960s onwards. Not currently updated.
  • الأهرام‎  Al-Ahram digital archive 
    One of the most authoritative and influential newspapers in Egypt, and the best known in the Arab world. From 1876 to 2014. Access is from the Bar Ilan catalog. The search on the site is free. To read the full text, please send the National Library a request for a code at reference@nli.org.il .
    For printing, downloading and sharing, additional registration is required on the site at: https://bit.ly/3cnkD5q



Yiddish Press

  • Index to Yiddish Press
    A selective index for articles from the Yiddish press published in Israel and around the world, from the end of the 19th century. Topics include literature and culture, pedagogy, politics and related topics.
  • Rambi
    A selective index of articles in Jewish, Land of Israel, and State of Israel studies, that are written in various languages – including Yiddish – by Jewish and non-Jewish authors from around the world. Officially, the index dates from 1966 onwards, but articles from earlier years may be available

English Press

  • Haaretz  
    For articles in various fields, access the English edition of the Tel Aviv newspaper, Haaretz. ProQuest provides full-text coverage in HTML format from February 28, 2017, to the present. 
    Direct access to the newspaper is available through the Libraries and Information Division catalog. You can search by the journal name (Haaretz) or the newspaper name in the ProQuest database under the "Publications" category. 
    Please note: The content of the Hebrew and English editions of Haaretz is not identical. 
  • British Library Newspapers - Gale Primary Sources 
    Sourced from the holdings of the British Library, this database provides a wide range of various full-text dialects that reflect the social, political, and cultural events of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. The collection includes more than 160 newspaper titles, published in the major towns and cities of the United Kingdom, such as England, North Wales, Scotland, Ireland and others. The collection comprises of a variety of historic content, from articles to advertisements and illuminates diverse and distinct regional attitudes, cultures, and vernaculars, providing an alternative viewpoint to the London-centric national press over a period of more than 200 years. 
  • Jewish Studies Source 
    Part of Ebscohost, Jewish Studies Source offers articles and full-text content from leading historical journals and newspapers across the Jewish world, covering various fields. It also includes articles from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, dating back to 1922.
  • Lexis Plus 
    Legal, regulatory, business information and analysis, etc. Includes daily news from around the world. Daily update.
  • Proquest - News & Newspapers databases 
    Leading full-text news and press sites from around the world are available in this database. A portion of the press collection has been archived since the 1970s. To access them, enter the database and then select "More" followed by "News & Newspapers databases" from the menu.

 Free Press

  •  This World (העולם הזה)
    Free online access. Edited by the late Uri Avnery from 1950 to 1989. It is recommended to browse the site on a computer or tablet and not on a cellphone and to download the entire archive to a computer. The National Library of Israel collection was not included due to copyright restrictions.


  • AllNewspapers.com
    Press, magazines, radio and television stations, news agencies and news websites.



  • Google News Archive
    Free access to scanned press archives and links to other archives of newspapers on the Internet, both free and for a fee. Some of the archives date back to the 18th century.



  • OnlineNewspapers.Com
    Thousands of journals from around the world and in different languages, organized by geographical location and country names.




  • Newspaper Map
    Access to journals according to their geographical location on a world map, with an option to display the number of newspapers available. Click on the number to display the name of the newspaper, and then click on the name to go to the newspaper's website and archive (if available).


