Discounts for Open Access Publications

The Libraries and Information Division is Working for You

The costs of publishing in open-access journals can be high for researchers. Therefore, the Libraries and Information Division continues to make efforts to sign agreements that can enable Bar Ilan researchers to publish their works at reduced costs or no cost at all.

Important Note
Researchers must use their Bar-Ilan University e-mail address when sending articles to any of the abovementioned publishers and identify themselves as a Bar-Ilan researcher or academic staff member. The publisher will then send you instructions on how to proceed.


Below are options for obtaining information about the various agreements:

Search for journals in the agreements

The search box below allows you to search for a specific journal and get information on the level of funding provided. Enter the name of the requested journal. If it does not appear, it means that there is no funding for it. If it does appear, the information that will be received is: the name of the publisher, whether there is full or partial financing, and what type of license it is.


The Libraries and Information Division has signed agreements with the following publishers:

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)  

The agreement provides free publication of  articles in all journals 

Researchers must use their Bar-Ilan University e-mail address when sending articles.

American Institute of Physics (AIP) 

The agreement provides free publication of articles in all hybrid journals (journals that allow the publication of open access articles alongside "regular" publication). The agreement came into effect on January 10, 2022.

For more details and a list of journals see here.

Cambridge University Press

The agreement provides free publications of articles in most journals.

For more details see here.

Chemistry of Society Royal (RSC)

The agreement provides free publication of articles in all hybrid journals (journals that allow the publication of Open Access articles as well as "regular" articles) 

When submitting an article, use Bar-Ilan e-mail only. 

Additional Information can be found here

Company of Biologists

The agreement provides free publication of articles in most journals.

For more details see here.


The agreement gives a 10% discount on the publication price in all journals.

For more details and a list of journals see here.


The agreement gives a 10% discount on the publication price in all journals.

For more details and a list of journals see here.


The agreement provides free publication of articles in most journals.

For more details and a list of journals see here.

Sage Publishing

The agreement provides for the publication of articles in hybrid journals at a cost of only £ 200, which is a considerable discount from the standard price.  A 20% discount is available for publication in the open journals.

For more details and a list of journals see here.

Springer Nature

Under the agreement, authors can publish open access articles for free in hybrid journals, (those offering both traditional and open-access publishing) Learn more here.

Taylor & Francis 

The agreement provides free publication of articles in all hybrid journals (journals that allow the publication of Open Access articles as well as "regular" articles)

Additional Information can be found here


Only faculty-authored articles will be approved due to limited availability and high demand.


The agreement provides free publication of articles in all hybrid journals (journals that allow the publication of open access articles alongside "regular" publications). The agreement came into effect on January 10, 2022.

The following are some sources that can help with the publishing process:

Author Services Website 

Make your article open in hybrid journals 

Author compliance tool

Open Access resources for researches



For questions and clarifications please contact:
Yehudit Shkolnisky-Liberman
Sarit Sambol Szasz


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