Deposition process for Ph.D. Thesis

Now, that you have prepared all which is needed and if not, please go back to the instructions and prepare now - you wouldn't succeed to complete the operation otherwise), you can go ahead and fill out the Electronic Deposition Form



The processing time of your application

The processing time of your application is about 5 working days. If corrections of PDF file of your work will be needed or if you haven't completed the deposition form correctly, the processing time will be extended accordingly. This must be considered, and the copy must be deposited about 10 working days before the deadline for submission.


System notifications and messages from Deposition Department Staff

During processing of your application system notifications and / or messages from Deposition Department staff will be sent to you. Pay attention to them and act accordingly.


Approval for printing your thesis

When we will finish processing your application, you will receive an e-mail, permitting to print the approved copy of your work. Upon receiving the permission, you will need to print one copy and submit it to the library within a week, according to the Instructions for printing Ph.D. Thesis.

Students of The Faculty of Education and of the Faculty of Social Sciences need to give additional printed copy [only if the work is not under an Embargo] to the Faculty/Department secretariat, which they will deliver to Henrietta Szold Institute.


Final approval upon arrival of the printed copy

Representatives of the Theses and Dissertation Deposition Department will approve the deposition in this application only upon completion of all deposition obligations, including the arrival of the printed copy. You will receive a system notification when final approval will be made.



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