Photocopying and Printing Services
Please note that all printing and photocopying services are outsourced to Tzilumatik Company, and are under their sole responsibility.
"Tzilumatik" print shop:
Jewish Studies Building (405) | Sun - Thu, 8 am - 5 pm
Print Shop: 03-5317487 | Service Hotline: 1-700-50-70-44
Print Shop Contact Person: Shuki Assa 052-4488444
Locations of the machines across campus:
Jewish Studies Library, Building 401 | Law Library, Building 305 | Social Sciences Library, Building 213 | Chemistry Library, Building 212 | Philosophy Library, Building 1002 | Economics Library, Building 504 | Education Library, Building 905 | Engineering, Building 1105 | Nagel Building 507 | Katz Building 604 | Exodus (Pre-Academic Program for Immigrants) Building 105
Registration and system user guide