What Happens after the Deposition of M.A. Thesis or work equivalent to M.A. Thesis

  • After your thesis will be processed by our technical services departments, if it is not under Embargo, its bibliographical information will be available on the Bar-Ilan Libraries and Information Division catalog. You will receive system notification about it.
  • If the thesis is under Embargo, it will be processed only after the Embargo period will end. You will receive system notification about it. If You will need to extend the Embargo period, please remember to apply in advance to the School of Graduate Studies and receive an approval from the Dean for an additional period. This approval of the embargo extension must be sent to theses.lib@biu.ac.il.
  • If for some reason after the deposition, you review your thesis and find mistakes in it, you can write to us about it. You will need to explain what is/are the problem/s and attach your supervisor's approval to deposit the corrected version. If we will be convinced that there is indeed substantial problem in the work, you will need to send to us the corrected version and wait for its reapproval. You will also need to submit corrected printed copy, after we approve the electronic one. You can do this kind of appeal only once, so you must be sure that you have corrected all you wanted, before sending to us the final version.
  • Upon completion of the deposition process, your library card will be closed and access to the databases directly (not through the library catalog) will be reserved for you until 31.12 of the academic year in which you were registered. Interested in publishing your research outputs (articles/doctoral processing for a book) or thinking about a doctorate and need access to printed books or access to databases after the specified date, there is an option to open a guest library card. For more details, see the information on Opening/renewing a library card for a user who does not exist in the university's systems in current academic year in the Borrowing Procedures and Access to Electronic Resources page


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